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Heart Of David Music

Before I purchased my Analoguetube units, I diligently researched literally every modern day, high end, Vari-Mu Compressor that staked it's claims to be a Fairchild clone, or just sounded like a Fairchild. As best as possible, I compared tubes, transformers, electronic components, and how the units operated. Although Vari-Mu Compressors add a unique flavor to a track or mix bus, Simon's units, based on the exact, original, Fairchild designs, are superior to any other models I found. Simon's units look like Fairchilds, operate like Fairchilds, and sound like Fairchilds, because they ARE Fairchilds, right down to the 6386 remote cut-off tubes he resurrected from extinction, to the beautiful Sowter Transformers in all of their analog glory, only 55 years younger!

I've been working with music, audio, and electronics for almost 50 years and can truly say that Simon's units are masterful works of art, both sonically and visually. His solder joints and wire looms are artwork in themselves! When I have writer's block by being in left-brain mode from staring too long at a computer screen, I don't need to look at pictures from the Hubble Telescope to restore my right-brain muse - I just gaze at my racks of gorgeous Analoguetube equipment to restore the flow of creative juices!

May the Lord bless you, Simon, as your hands keep creating these wonderful masterpieces in this Second Golden Age Of Analogue Audio!

Mark Yastishok, Owner

Heart Of David Music

Whitehall, PA USA

Analoguetube Equipment:

Amber Gold Anodized AT-101 With Accompaning Fan Rack And Vent Panels

Matched Pair Of Celery Green Anodized AT-1's With Accompaning Fan Rack And Vent Panels

Matched Pair Of AT-3's Mic Pre's Bearing Serial Numbers 3001 And 3002


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