Two Green Mono AT-1 Fairchild 660 replicas.Thats it right there!The Script recording drums studio B Metropolis Studios London with Josh Blair and@alex_46and2 models AT-1 (120vac 60Hz) Testing two green twins for a U.S.A. bound client.
Thats it right there!The Script recording drums studio B Metropolis Studios London with Josh Blair and@alex_46and2 models AT-1 (120vac 60Hz) Testing two green twins for a U.S.A. bound client.
Digital recall sheets for AT Series compressors Patchrat and Session recall are essential tools for recalling your sessions you can download them here!
Warren Huart, Produce like a pro - Perfect Your Sound with Mixbus Processing: Add Glue, Depth & Excitement! - with 3 TOP Engineers hear Marc D Nelson discussing stereo image at 5.14
Digital recall sheets for AT Series compressors Patchrat and Session recall are essential tools for recalling your sessions you can download them here!