Analoguetube manufactures a range of vintage audio equipment handmade in the UK. We build and manufacture classic tube technology of the 1950's and 60's using traditional electronic methods and parts that are commonly available and sourced commercially. Our clients are across the world from UK and Europe to the USA, Asia, Japan the Middle East.
Our flagship products include the AT-1 and AT-101 limiter/compressors models that represent several decades of research and development alongside the original Fairchild 660 and 670 compressors out of production since the early 70's. Originals are extremely rare in number and command very high prices. Other new products included are the AT-3 tube mic preamplifier - A wonderful low noise wide band desktop unit offering a range of standard features for all your microphones, and the LOVEBOMB guitar pedal featuring the 6948 pencil from 80's missile guidance systems - this thing is loud!
The AT-1 and AT-101 audio compressors are beautiful natural sounding limiters that use the original circuits from the legendary Fairchild 660 and 670 limiters.
They are all built using original parts that include the transformers, controls and the new generation 6386LGP triodes developed from the original tube types.
The unique features of these gain crushing compressors allow all types of instruments and sound to sit up front sounding fatter and bigger in the mix adding depth, dimension and clarity, gluing the image together for all types of program making these natural sounding compressors indispensable tools for the music studio.
The AT-1 and AT-101 limiters are superior products using all original tubes and parts with long-lasting, close tolerance, non inductive modern components for the modern world.
These units have been built by hand as close to the original as possible using standard high quality components.
The standard features with the mono units are;
1/ Switched bypass
2/ Stereo linking between units (calibrated)
3/ 'Key' insert switching (fully transformer balanced)
4/ Variable AC threshold
40 step AC Threshold 1%/ div
Standard features for the stereo AT-101 units are;
1/ Bypass switching
2/ Stepped AC threshold (21 steps @ 1%/div)
3/ Lat/Vert switching (mid-side processing)
4/ VCA standby
5/ Stereo link
12db/oct variable HFP side-chain filter
40 step AC Threshold 1%/ div
ALL units are fully transformer balanced throughout including the 'key' insert on the AT-1's.

AT-1 Mono Limiters Matched Pair (stereo linked)

Analoguetube AT-101 and Fairchild 670 Compressors

Anodised Analoguetube AT-101 and Fairchild 670 Compressors

AT-1 Mono Limiters Matched Pair (stereo linked)
So, whats it all about?
Historical and technical differences typically exist between both AT-1 and AT-101 models with Tone, Presence and Gain which is in keeping with the original 660 and 670 models. The signal flow around the AT-1/660 mono units compares with the stereo AT-101/670 in terms of functionality - both are a feed-back limiters - however they are electrically different from each other as they have different tubes for the side chain and power supply when compared to the AT-101/670 stereo units.
The VCA and time constants remain the same for both models but the side chain is slightly different with different transformers and control output tubes. The changes in the AT-1/660 models results in small tonal differences when compared to the AT-101/670 offering more gain 'presence' in the mids. Interestingly when the mono units are 'driven' they behave a little like the AT-101/670 gently dipping out the 60hz - 5khz range when pushed.
When the AT-1's are used together the side chains can be connected and 'linked' or run as completely separate units. Multiple AT-1 units can also be linked together. The AT-1's and AT-101's offer different flexibility. In the case of the mono units this is having 2 completely separate units and all that that brings with separate power supplies, increased stereo separation. Additional functions include a separate transformer input 'key' insert for de-essing or HPF filtering depending on the external EQ used.
Each model operates slightly differently with the AT-1's offering more in the mids than the AT-101/670. The depth and dimension aspects often associated with the stereo units are to do with the mids being progressively dipped down between 60hz - 5khz when 'driven' and compressed. The mids are often then eq'd back to bring 'forward' (in level) the mix - this is sometimes perceived as the 'Depth'. The image dimension and separation elements relate to many elememinput and output transformers used in the AT-101/670 or when two AT-1/660's used.
The Mission:
Our mission has always been to build life back into products that have for many years been unavailable. With a unique emphasis on manufacturing that focuses workmanship, attention to detail and an open ended commitment to customer satisfaction we believe that once you own Analoguetube products you own them for life.
Simon Saywood - Analoguetube Ltd